Sub-Saharan Africa

Biovision promotes the application and development of sustainable agricultural cultivation methods according to agroecology principles in its projects in sub-Saharan Africa. We work together with renowned local partner organizations to do so. The projects focus on researching and developing new solutions to current problems, disseminating these approaches to farmers, and bringing together local, national and international decision-makers to create suitable framework conditions for sustainable agriculture. The beneficiaries are always involved in setting project objectives, as this is the only way to create real solutions. The overarching goal is always to support smallholder farmers in improving their living conditions and thus contribute to them leading self-determined lives.


Sub-Saharan Africa


Investing in the Agroecological Business Case

In order to catalyse the scaling of agroecology and advance the transformation of the food system, this programme wants to increase the availability of suitable capital and build an enabling environment for agroecological enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Knowledge, Politics

Enabling policy frameworks for agroecology

The objective of the programme is to increase the sustainability of food systems in Sub-Saharan African and beyond by creating coherent and equitable policy frameworks that enable an agroecological transformation of food systems.

More Research for Agroecology

The project aims to strengthen systemic research in agroecology. A study with renowned international partners analysed relevant cash flows and the most important points of leverage.

How bees protect mangroves on Zanzibar

In Zanzibar, Biovision combines beekeeping with sustainable forest utilisation. The bees provide new sources of income with their honey. At the same time, they support reforestation measures and thus help to protect the endangered mangrove forests on the island. 

Trees for Animal Welfare

This project investigates how using trees in livestock farming contributes to better livestock health and to the conservation and improvement of pasture land. Agroforestry is a promising concept that also has the potential to improve local people’s economic situation.

Information System for Diseases and Droughts

This project supports the development of a disease outbreak information and early warning system to better protect humans and animals from epidemics or harmful environmental occurrences. Its aim is to better protect the health and livelihoods of livestock farmers.


Sub-Saharan Africa

Agriculture, Politics

«Diversity ensures that we have something to eat every day»

Tanzania reached a milestone in December when it launched its national strategy to scale up agroecology. Mwatima Juma from our partner organisation TOAM explains why this is so important for smallholder families and what role Biovision played in the development process.
Knowledge, Politics

For More Biodiversity: How Agroecology Can Help Countries

In mid-May, Biovision together with international partners organized an event in Kenya about integrating agroecological approaches into national biodiversity strategies. The initiative assembled key stakeholders and decision-makers from various countries. The goal: sustainable, agroecological agriculture that protects and actively promotes biodiversity.
Agriculture, Consumption

Agroecological awakening in Murang’a

To ensure the long-term food security of people in the Kenyan district of Murang’a, agroecology has been enshrined in law. Biovision supported both the local authorities and the population in the process.
About us

25 years of Biovision

Today we celebrate 25 years of Biovision. Our journey has led us to countless encounters, brought numerous challenges, but also great successes. Join us on a journey through time, from our past to our future.
Agriculture, Knowledge

Healthy Animals – Healthy People

In southern Kenya, a new approach to reducing malaria and other tropical diseases is being tested with active involvement of villagers. The initial findings are promising.

“Engaging women farmers is the key to our success”

For 20 years, Esther Lupafya and Rachel Bezner Kerr have been working together for healthy nutrition in Malawi. In this interview, the founders of Biovision’s partner organisation “Soils, Food and Healthy Communities” (SFHC) talk about gender norms and the power of knowledge exchange and participatory research.

Food security in rural Ethiopia

In southwestern Ethiopia, rural households are struggling with soil degradation and crop failures. Working together, they are taking measures to limit soil erosion and also to diversify their sources of income, in order to protect themselves from crises.
Agriculture, Politics

For Overcoming the Global Food Crisis, We Need More Agroecology

Reducing organic production to fight the food crisis would be disastrous. Much more urgent for overcoming the crisis is the transformation to a sustainable food system.