
To achieve the sustainable food system that Biovision calls for, the political framework conditions must be right – at both national and international levels. Biovision promotes awareness and recognition of agroecology among political bodies and sees itself as a bridge builder between politics, civil society, research and business.

Articles about


About us, Politics

The future of development cooperation

Parliament’s planned budget cuts to the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) raise major questions for NGOs such as Biovision. Loredana Sorg, Co-Head of International Partnerships at Biovision, talks about the impact on long-term projects, the importance of stable funding and how international cooperation plays a central role in global development processes, even and especially in times of criticism.

What is the Ugandan government’s position on agroecology?

Biovision is promoting sustainable businesses in Uganda through the Neycha project. But what significance and potential does the local government see in agroecology? Bob Sunday from the Ministry of Agriculture provides information.
Agriculture, Politics

«Diversity ensures that we have something to eat every day»

Tanzania reached a milestone in December when it launched its national strategy to scale up agroecology. Mwatima Juma from our partner organisation TOAM explains why this is so important for smallholder families and what role Biovision played in the development process.

The future of Swiss food is agroecological

The Swiss food system drives and suffers from various crises and problems, such as climate change, biodiversity loss and social inequalities. That is why Biovision promotes agroecology – for a more sustainable food future.
Knowledge, Politics

For More Biodiversity: How Agroecology Can Help Countries

In mid-May, Biovision together with international partners organized an event in Kenya about integrating agroecological approaches into national biodiversity strategies. The initiative assembled key stakeholders and decision-makers from various countries. The goal: sustainable, agroecological agriculture that protects and actively promotes biodiversity.

Protecting Biodiversity with Agroecology

In agreements made through the United Nations, countries around the world have committed themselves to curbing the drastic loss of biodiversity on our planet. Agroecology could play a key role and combine sustainable agriculture with biodiversity protection. An interview with Dr John Garcia Ulloa from Biovision about major challenges and huge opportunities.

Joining forces for more sustainable food systems

Biodiversity loss, climate change, rising fertiliser prices: these global challenges are highly influenced by food production and consumption. Agroecology addresses these challenges, shares many synergies with other systemic approaches and may even decrease governments’ dependencies on global markets. This is shown by the three policy briefs from the Agroecology Dialogues, published by Biovision and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in support of the Agroecology Coalition.

“To Solve the Climate Crisis, We Need to Rethink”

The influence of agriculture and the food system on the climate has been neglected in climate negotiations thus far. In recent years, Biovision has been advocating for an agroecological transformation to address climate change. It was also present this year at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. We spoke to Tanja Carrillo from our Policy & Advocacy team about whether this conference has brought us a step closer to climate protection.

Projects about


Knowledge, Politics
International, Kenya, Uganda

Enabling policy frameworks for agroecology

The objective of the programme is to increase the sustainability of food systems in Sub-Saharan African and beyond by creating coherent and equitable policy frameworks that enable an agroecological transformation of food systems.

Food Future Switzerland

“Food Future Switzerland” makes a substantial contribution to the current discussion on future holistic policies for a healthy and sustainable food system in Switzerland. For the first time in Switzerland, a national citizens’ council will gather and develop recommendations for concrete measures on food policy, and a scientific expert panel will develop and present current proposals.

Peer-to-peer exchange among policy makers

With the “Food Policy Forum for Change”, the project creates a platform where policy makers from around the world can learn from each other through mutual exchange and receive guidance in designing effective measures and initiatives for sustainable food systems.

Transforming the Swiss Food System

Biovision advocates for a solution-oriented and science-based political framework that makes a transformation towards a sustainable Swiss food system possible. To this end, Biovision is involved in networks such as the Agrarian Alliance and Agriculture with a Future.

Sustainable Development Solutions Network Switzerland

The Sustainable Development Solutions Network Switzerland, SDSN for short, is committed to promoting the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in politics, society, business and science. The individual actors are networked with each other in order to jointly develop sustainable solutions for the current problems of our time. SDSN is a United Nations initiative.