
Our food system, and especially our consumption patterns, affect not only our own wellbeing but also that of our descendants and people in the global South. Many people are already aware of this but seek ideas for increasing their own environmental awareness and for behaving more justly through their own consumption patterns. To draw more attention to these complex topics, Biovision is committed to raising awareness, especially among young people, about their purchasing and consumption behaviors and provides practical tips for more sustainability in everyday life.

Articles about


Agriculture, Consumption

Agroecological awakening in Murang’a

To ensure the long-term food security of people in the Kenyan district of Murang’a, agroecology has been enshrined in law. Biovision supported both the local authorities and the population in the process.

Scout youth as a role model for the nutrition of the future

Scouts learn how to protect the environment and take care of nature. CLEVER is now showing them at the “mova” national Scout camp how they can also behave in an environmentally conscious way in their everyday lives with sustainable consumption.

Food security – Climate – Ecology: What progress has been made in 2021?

In 2021, the future of our food systems was hotly debated and sustainable solutions sought. In this interview, Biovision President Hans R. Herren and Executive Director Frank Eyhorn explain what came of these discussions and which levers Biovision will be pulling in the coming year. What progress towards sustainable food systems could be achieved in 2021? Hans R. Herren and Frank Eyhorn from Biovision in an interview.

“Everyone should earn something from the hibiscus tea”

The Zurich start-up Five Good Goods only sells products that the producers really earn money from – and stands for fair working conditions and prices. The hibiscus tea from the Biovision partner organisation Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT) is one of the products that has made it into the start-up’s online shop. Owner Johannes Küng tells us in an interview what makes the tea so valuable.
Agriculture, Consumption

Fruit growing with less synthetic pesticides

A particularly large amount of synthetic pesticides is used in the growing of fruits, the so-called arboriculture. Pioneering projects in French-speaking Switzerland are trying to change this.
Consumption, Knowledge, Politics

How the dispute over a pesticide got the organic movement rolling

Two popular initiatives in Switzerland being put to the vote in June call for a move away from synthetic pesticides. The controversy surrounding a pesticide in the 1940s was the starting point of the organic movement.
Agriculture, Consumption

«Take action and be an example for others!»

Organic farmer and natural chef Rebecca Clopath on paths to more sustainable agriculture and the role food can play as a sensory experience.
Agriculture, Consumption

Idealists out in the field

The vegetable cooperative Pura Verdura operates one hectare of land on the outskirts of Zurich with the model of Solidarity Farming. It is based on a purchase guarantee at fair prices, the involvement of the buyers and sustainable production.

Projects about


Consumption, Knowledge

Healthy nutrition for people in poor settlements

Many people in poor settlements suffer from malnutrition. In Nairobi, Biovision wants to give them access to healthy food. 

CLEVER – sustainable consumption

The CLEVER travelling exhibition raises young people’s awareness for sustainable consumption. Every day we make countless decisions about our diet: Do we eat meat or cook vegetarian? Organic or conventional? CLEVER provides answers so that young people can make better purchasing decisions.