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On this page you will find all our articles and stories about our project work in sub-Saharan Africa, Switzerland and internationally. The reports give you insight into how we aim to achieve the vision of enough healthy food for all, produced by healthy people in a healthy environment.
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About us, Politics
The future of development cooperation
Parliament’s planned budget cuts to the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) raise major questions for NGOs such as Biovision. Loredana Sorg, Co-Head of International Partnerships at Biovision, talks about the impact on long-term projects, the importance of stable funding and how international cooperation plays a central role in global development processes, even and especially in times of criticism.
About us
Changes in the Foundation Board
This fall there will be a change in the Biovision Foundation Board: Barbara Frei Haller is stepping down from the Board after more than two decades of dedicated commitment and passionate engagement. Joining the Board is Andreas Schriber, founding member and CEO of the Foundation from 2003 to 2020. Let’s take a look back at Barbara’s noteworthy time at Biovision and a look ahead to the future with Andreas.
About us
Why our new strategy is important for you
Our goal: a food system fit for the future – enough healthy food for everyone, produced and consumed in environmentally and socially responsible ways. We have charted a path for achieving it in our 2024–2028 strategy, which is based on the conviction that development can only take place if several key levers are worked simultaneously, supplemented by cooperation with stakeholders who have similar goals.
Agriculture, Politics
«Diversity ensures that we have something to eat every day»
Tanzania reached a milestone in December when it launched its national strategy to scale up agroecology. Mwatima Juma from our partner organisation TOAM explains why this is so important for smallholder families and what role Biovision played in the development process.
Agriculture, Knowledge
The ABC and D of sustainable agriculture
In Western Kenya, Biovision is researching how farming communities can be supported with a customised approach, combining typical elements of our work: targeted implementation of sustainable practices in the field paired with a scientific approach.
Knowledge, Politics
For More Biodiversity: How Agroecology Can Help Countries
In mid-May, Biovision together with international partners organized an event in Kenya about integrating agroecological approaches into national biodiversity strategies. The initiative assembled key stakeholders and decision-makers from various countries. The goal: sustainable, agroecological agriculture that protects and actively promotes biodiversity.
Protecting Biodiversity with Agroecology
In agreements made through the United Nations, countries around the world have committed themselves to curbing the drastic loss of biodiversity on our planet. Agroecology could play a key role and combine sustainable agriculture with biodiversity protection. An interview with Dr John Garcia Ulloa from Biovision about major challenges and huge opportunities.
Agriculture, Knowledge
Biovision in action at the world’s largest organic trade fair
Biofach in Nuremberg is the world’s largest trade fair for organic products and sustainable agriculture. It offers producers, traders and anyone interested a platform for exchanging ideas and networking. Recently, Biovision employees were also among the participants.
About us
Between podium and pasture: A conversation with the new Biovision Board of Trustees
Prof. Christoph Studer has been a Biovision Board of Trustees member since the end of 2023. In this interview, the tropical agriculture expert discusses his background, what at Biovision has inspired him for decades, and where the greatest challenges for development cooperation will lie in the coming years.
About us
We celebrate the Symposium 2023 – and 25 years of Biovision
Around 600 guests and about 200 online viewers attended the annual Biovision Symposium at the Volkshaus in Zurich. There, we looked back together on the successful year 2023, the 25th anniversary of our foundation and the greatest challenges and opportunities for a sustainable future.
How agroecological is my initiative?
Biovision promotes agroecology to leverage a sustainable food system. Entrepreneurs, project leaders and people responsible for initiatives often do not know how much their projects or business model correspond to the 13 principles of agroecology, though. To make their assessments easier (and anchor agroecology more firmly as a result), Biovision has developed the Business Agroecology Criteria Tool, or B-ACT for short.
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