


A Consortium for Sustainable Food Systems in Uganda

How can food security be strengthened and sustainable agriculture promoted? In Uganda’s Kigezi region, Biovision and a consortium of local partner organizations are building a resilient food system – from production to consumption.

From Research to the Fields

The information hub for ecological agriculture makes valuable knowledge accessible to smallholder farmers in Kenya.

Clever Farmer in Tanzania

With support from Biovision, a practical guide for smallholder families is published in Tanzania. The name of the magazine: Clever Farmer.

Innovative approach to fighting malaria

Whoever lives in the vicinity of their livestock in Kenya is at increased risk of contracting malaria or another potentially deadly disease. Through an innovative research project, Biovision is making a virtue of necessity.

One Health: Healthy People, Animals, and Environment

The health of people, animals, and the environment is closely connected. With our project in East Africa, Biovision promotes a One Health approach, combining integrated advisory clinics for sustainable agricultural production and better overall health. 

Agroveg: Push-Pull for Vegetables

Vegetable farmers in Kenya and Tanzania rely on Push-Pull methods instead of pesticides to combat pests and diseases. Biovision is also strengthening the market for sustainably grown agroecological vegetables (Agroveg). 



About us, Politics

The future of development cooperation

Parliament’s planned budget cuts to the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) raise major questions for NGOs such as Biovision. Loredana Sorg, Co-Head of International Partnerships at Biovision, talks about the impact on long-term projects, the importance of stable funding and how international cooperation plays a central role in global development processes, even and especially in times of criticism.

What is the Ugandan government’s position on agroecology?

Biovision is promoting sustainable businesses in Uganda through the Neycha project. But what significance and potential does the local government see in agroecology? Bob Sunday from the Ministry of Agriculture provides information.

Fighting conflict with animal feed and fertiliser

With great perseverance, unconventional ideas and openness, projects can change lives for the better. This is shown in a study of our seven-year commitment to livestock breeders in Tanzania.
Agriculture, Knowledge

The ABC and D of sustainable agriculture

In Western Kenya, Biovision is researching how farming communities can be supported with a customised approach, combining typical elements of our work: targeted implementation of sustainable practices in the field paired with a scientific approach.

Fertile soil – thanks to participatory research

Ten years ago, the fields of Patrick Maive and Joyce Wangari hardly yielded anything. That all changed when they set out to make their soil fertile again, with the help of Kenyan researchers.

With camels out of poverty

In the very dry areas of northern Kenya people are increasingly suffering from the consequences of climate change. Those most affected are pastoralist peoples. In Isiolo County, Biovision has been supporting a project by Vétérinaieres sans Frontières to introduce dromedaries. A picture story about two camel keepers who support their families with the proceeds from the sale of milk.