Agroecology for countering the consequences of climate change

Strengthening farmers against climate change: Biovision uses traditional knowledge and the latest research for agroecological agriculture in Kenya.
At a glance

Project name:

Reviving Traditional Knowledge

Project budget in CHF :

Decision-makers in politics
Research Institutes
Smallholder farmers
Project Officer:
Unfortunately, there are no events at the moment.
Project phase:
Partner organizations:

Institute for Culture and Ecology ICE (Kenia)

The project addresses the following SDGs from UN Agenda 2030:

This project is supported by SDC


Facts and figures about the project

farmers were able increase their food production.
farmers practice organic and sustainable farming.

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CHF custom amount

To support this project or get further information, please contact

Sharon Nehrenheim
Team lead Partnerships
+41 44 512 58 13

Project website

Agroecology Info Pool

Biovision is committed to promoting favourable political and economic conditions for agroecology. An understanding of the potential of agroecology will be increased through well-founded information, through bringing together diverse actors in the food system (for example the private sector, civil society organizations and researchers), and through exchange among decision-makers. The project website gathers current findings from projects and science and makes them accessible to everyone to support a sustainable transformation of the food system.

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About us

25 years of Biovision

Today we celebrate 25 years of Biovision. Our journey has led us to countless encounters, brought numerous challenges, but also great successes. Join us on a journey through time, from our past to our future.

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Healthy soil is life!

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For Overcoming the Global Food Crisis, We Need More Agroecology

Reducing organic production to fight the food crisis would be disastrous. Much more urgent for overcoming the crisis is the transformation to a sustainable food system.