Changing course is essential if we are to tackle climate change



The CLARA Report (Climate, Land, Ambition & Rights Alliance) “Missing Pathways to the 1.5°C Goal”, to which Biovision also contributed, is a reaction to the latest UN climate report published on 8 October. The CLARA Report clearly shows how a shift to agro-ecological agriculture, improvements in land rights and the restoration and protection of forest ecosystems are important levers in efforts to limit global warming to 1.5 °C.
Infografik-Transformational Change in land management
The preservation of rights must be ensured in order to limit temperature increases.

In the latest UN climate report entitled “IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 C, Summary for Policymakers”, more than 6,000 climate scientists have stressed – with unprecedented vehemence – the importance and urgency of action if the world is to limit average global warming to 1.5 °C.

Agriculture and forestry must be included

If this goal is to be achieved, strenuous efforts are required at all levels. However, measures for agriculture and forestry are either underrepresented in the report or are not covered in an integrated way. In particular, the report takes too little account of the possible synergies that would arise if ecosystem-based approaches such as agro-ecology and agro-forestry were further strengthened (see also the IAASTD Report of 2008).

CLARA Report fills the gaps

The CLARA Report clearly demonstrates what could be achieved in the fields of agriculture and forestry and how cost-effective such action would be in reducing emissions and increasing resilience. Moreover, the agro-ecological methods that Biovision and its partners have always encouraged are cited as important measures in the report.

Change of course particularly necessary in Africa

The relevance of such a fundamental shift to more integrated and sustainable food systems was made abundantly clear to Biovision last week in Kenya at the 7th Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa.

“The Africa that we know will no longer exist in 2050”.
Lumumba d'Aping, UN Ambassador of Sudan

This drastic prediction was made by Sudan’s ambassador to the UN Lumumba d’Aping and refers to the immense challenges facing Africa and its agriculture as a result of the already unavoidable global warming of 1.5°C and demonstrates the urgency of the issue.

The CLARA Report identifies the levers that already exist in the food system and which would limit global warming to a level that is just about manageable and minimise the risk of the most catastrophic effects occurring. Biovision is active locally and is engaged in activities with farmers in the field and at the wider political level.


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25 years of Biovision

Today we celebrate 25 years of Biovision. Our journey has led us to countless encounters, brought numerous challenges, but also great successes. Join us on a journey through time, from our past to our future.

“To Solve the Climate Crisis, We Need to Rethink”

The influence of agriculture and the food system on the climate has been neglected in climate negotiations thus far. In recent years, Biovision has been advocating for an agroecological transformation to address climate change. It was also present this year at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. We spoke to Tanja Carrillo from our Policy & Advocacy team about whether this conference has brought us a step closer to climate protection.
Knowledge, Politics

Healthy soil is life!

Soil is the fundament for life on Earth, provides food and feed for all creatures above and below ground and plays a major role in climate protection! Soils bind atmospheric CO2, absorb rain water while prevent flooding, store water in long dry seasons, and buffer the extreme adverse impacts of the fast changing climate.
Agriculture, Politics

For Overcoming the Global Food Crisis, We Need More Agroecology

Reducing organic production to fight the food crisis would be disastrous. Much more urgent for overcoming the crisis is the transformation to a sustainable food system.