Donate for our project work

With your support, you make a significant contribution to fighting hunger and poverty, building confidence and strengthening self-determined living. The Zewo seal of approval guarantees a conscientious and cost-conscious use of your donations.

Wir setzen Ihre Spende kostenbewusst und erfolgswirksam ein – das garantiert das ZEWO-Gütesiegel. Worauf Sie sich bei Biovision ebenfalls verlassen können:


Spenden ab 200 CHF werden jeweils per Post verdankt. Spenden bis 200 CHF werden nur auf Wunsch per Post verdankt.

Falls Sie keine Verdankung per Post wünschen, bitten wir Sie um telefonische oder schriftliche Mitteilung an oder 044 512 58 58.

Wenn Sie uns Ihre E-Mail-Adresse mitteilen, verdanken wir Ihre Spende gerne elektronisch, unabhängig von der Spendensumme.

Spendenbestätigung und Steuerbefreiung

Die jährliche Spendenbestätigung für die Steuerbehörden folgt Ende Januar per Post. Spenden und Mitgliederbeiträge an die Stiftung Biovision können von den Steuern abgezogen werden.

Kostengünstig Mitgliederbeiträge überweisen

Wenn Sie uns regelmässig mit einem Mitgliedsbeitrag unterstützen wollen, empfehlen wir Ihnen, die Vorteile des Lastschriftverfahrens (LSV/DD) zu nutzen. Das Formular können Sie hier bestellen oder wir senden es Ihnen gerne zu, kontaktieren Sie uns via oder 044 512 58 58.


Wir sind Ihnen sehr dankbar, wenn Sie uns allfällige Adress- oder Namensänderungen telefonisch oder schriftlich mitteilen. Kontaktieren Sie uns via oder 044 512 58 58.

Donation Information

We use your donation effectively and cost-consciously – this is guaranteed by the ZEWO seal of approval. You can also rely on Biovision’s guarantee that:


We send an expression of gratitude via post for donations of CHF 200 or more. Donations up to CHF 200 will only be thanked by post if requested.

If you do not wish to receive a thank-you note by post, please contact us at or 044 512 58 58.

If you provide us with your email address, we will be happy to send our expression of gratitude for your donation via email, regardless of the amount.

Donation confirmation and tax exemption

You will receive an annual confirmation of your donation for the tax authorities by post at the end of January. Donations and membership fees to the Biovision Foundation are tax deductible.

Low-cost transfers for membership fees

If you would like to support us regularly with a membership fee, we recommend that you take advantage of the direct debit procedure. You can fill out and download the form directly from the donation form above (click on “I want to set up a recurring donation” and then choose the payment method “LSV/DD”). Or we will be happy to send it to you. Contact us at or 044 512 58 58.

Change of address

We would be grateful if you would inform us of any changes to your name or address. Contact us at or 044 512 58 58.

Biovision magazines

All Biovision donors receive our Biovision magazine five times a year by post. If you would like to receive fewer or no magazines, please let us know at or 044 512 58 58.

E-mail newsletter

You can subscribe to our newsletter (approx. 8 times/year) directly when you make an online donation or via the web form. You can also notify us of your registration at or 044 512 58 58. You can unsubscribe directly in the newsletter.

Letter salutations

If you have a specific request regarding your form of salutation in letters and e-mails, please let us know at or 044 512 58 58.


1.9% + CHF 0.55 per transaction





QR payment slip






American Express


Donation Information

We use your donation effectively and cost-consciously – this is guaranteed by the ZEWO seal of approval. You can also rely on Biovision’s guarantee that:


We send an expression of gratitude via post for donations of CHF 200 or more. Donations up to CHF 200 will only be thanked by post if requested.

If you do not wish to receive a thank-you note by post, please contact us at or 044 512 58 58.

If you provide us with your email address, we will be happy to send our expression of gratitude for your donation via email, regardless of the amount.

Donation confirmation and tax exemption

You will receive an annual confirmation of your donation for the tax authorities by post at the end of January. Donations and membership fees to the Biovision Foundation are tax deductible.

Low-cost transfers for membership fees

If you would like to support us regularly with a membership fee, we recommend that you take advantage of the direct debit procedure. You can fill out and download the form directly from the donation form above (click on “I want to set up a recurring donation” and then choose the payment method “LSV/DD”). Or we will be happy to send it to you. Contact us at or 044 512 58 58.

Change of address

We would be grateful if you would inform us of any changes to your name or address. Contact us at or 044 512 58 58.

Biovision magazines

All Biovision donors receive our Biovision magazine five times a year by post. If you would like to receive fewer or no magazines, please let us know at or 044 512 58 58.

E-mail newsletter

You can subscribe to our newsletter (approx. 8 times/year) directly when you make an online donation or via the web form. You can also notify us of your registration at or 044 512 58 58. You can unsubscribe directly in the newsletter.

Letter salutations

If you have a specific request regarding your form of salutation in letters and e-mails, please let us know at or 044 512 58 58.